
Developer Blog: Platform Updates: A new way to drive installs to apps on Facebook and an updated And...

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Derek Cheng
明天,12月12日 6:00
Published by Derek Cheng

Today we launched Facebook ads to allow you to effectively drive and measure installs for your desktop apps on Facebook (canvas apps). We also released a new Android SDK with feature improvements and bug fixes.

Introducing ads to drive installs to your app on Facebook

The new ads will appear in both News Feed and the right hand column of Facebook's website. The ads will have a strong call to action such as "Play Now" or "Use Now" and a large engaging image to show off your app to people. Each user that clicks on the ad will be taken directly to your app on Facebook to accept your app's permission. With this ad, you will be able to measure installs and continually optimize your ads based on its performance.

Get started driving installs to your desktop app

You can get access to desktop app ads through Ads Create Tool, Power Editor, or by working with one of our Preferred Marketing Developers. In our ads interfaces, simply select the objective you want to achieve, "App installs" for desktop apps. Then add your custom creative and select your placement options (News Feed and/or right hand column). Finally set your targeting preferences and place your bid.

Today, we launched to 10% of advertisers in our ads interfaces, and will roll-out to 100% of advertisers in the next several days. Go to our tutorial for step by step guidance on how to run these ads.

Android SDK 3.6

We released an updated version of our Android SDK that includes several feature improvements and bug fixes. These include:

  • AppEventsLogger is now out of Beta
  • Ability to set the selection property of the FriendPickerFragment that makes it easy to pre-select friends.
  • Added support for Gradle and Android Studio.

For more details and a list of other updates in this release, visit our change log. You can download the SDK here.

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【課程】Arduino 四軸飛行器實作坊:機體組裝、寫飛控程式、自製遙控 App、飛行教學,一天學會

    您好: 【造飛機】燃燒你的飛行魂!10/1(六)為你舉辦「 Arduino四軸飛行器實作坊 」。講師邀請到經驗豐富Arklab團隊來教學,一天學會利用開源軟硬體做無人機。 想要學技術、做空拍、收集環境資訊、協助救災、觀察危險地帶、競速…各種無人機的應用,都可以從這場實作課開始,利用開源硬體、開源軟體的力量,實現願望。 歡迎來上課練功、技術交流、吹冷氣、交朋友。也請您把課程資訊提供給需要的同學、同事或朋友。 了解詳情、報名>>> 了解詳情、報名>>> 【課程內容】 時間:2016/10/1(六) 早上 09:30~下午 16:30 了解詳情、報名>>> 為什麼要來上課? 學會用開源硬體、開源軟體做無人機,以後可以自己改,做出更多應用。 學會基本的飛控程式、飛行技巧,後續可以進階到:自製Arduino遙控器、空拍機、競速機、物聯網機、環境監測機等等應用。 用手機就可以遙控,不用買很貴的遙控器。 無人機的應用有很多想像空間,除了空拍,也可以應用在環境感測、安全監控、物流、競速、資訊收集各種領域,值得學習。 學會調整飛行介面參數,讓飛行能夠更加平穩。 同時學習程式與硬體,培養跨領域的思維、解決問題的能力。 認識講師,遇到困難有人回答。書本資料太多、網路上的資料太分散,現場有人教學得快。 感謝您閱讀這封信,希望這個實作坊能滿足您的需求。 T客邦創客基地 林鈺奇 感謝您 有任何問題,歡迎跟我聯絡: danny_lin@hmg.com.tw


    您好: 2018/4/21(六)舉辦的「 AIoT人工智慧+物聯網實作 」,用Web技術+深度學習+電腦視覺開發工具,從無到有打造智慧物聯網應用。 課程把人工智慧技術結合物聯網裝置,用Web技術實作機器學習流程,從影像串流到利用Deeplearn.js(在瀏覽器中訓練神經網路)訓練影像辨識模型,同時結合Webduino物聯網裝置語音回報結果。 歡迎來上課練功、技術交流、吹冷氣、交朋友。也請您把課程資訊提供給需要的同學、同事或朋友。

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