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Developer Blog Weekly Digest for Nov 25, 2013

facebook Jen-Fu 你好, Here are all the posts from the Developer Blog in the last week.   Mobile Dev Day by Parse + Facebook Videos & Hackathon Winners 11月22日 7:55 Published by Ashley Smith Thank you to the over 350 attendees to Mobile Developer Day, Presented by Parse + Facebook, for joining us last week at Facebook Headquarters for the event! We wish everyone could have joined us for the educational day, but since that wasn't possible, we're happy to announce that the videos are now available below and at the Facebook Developers YouTube page . The Parse and Facebook teams and speakers loved meeting current – and future – Parse and Facebook developers and we hope that everyone who came walked away with a greater understanding of how to build and grow their apps with the two platforms. After a morning of informative talks from Jocelyn Goldfein, Jason Russell, Christine Abernathy, Bear Douglas, Stephanie Shum, and Eddie O'Neil, attendees participated in a 4 hour hackat

紀宏昇、徐玉玲和其他 4 人的生日都快到了

facebook 幫紀宏昇、徐玉玲和另外 4 人慶生 11月26日 Chan ShukYee 在她的動態時報上留言 徐玉玲 在她的動態時報上留言 紀宏昇 在他的動態時報上留言 11月29日 Yun-Cheng Chou 在他的動態時報上留言 12月1日 Vic Wang 在他的動態時報上留言 12月6日 August Chao 在他的動態時報上留言 前往 Facebook 策劃活動 這則訊息送到 zivhsiao.yoursite@blogger.com 。 如果你日後不想收到來自 Facebook 的這些電子郵件,請 取消訂閱 。 Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Developer Blog: Mobile Dev Day by Parse + Facebook Videos & Hackathon Winners

facebook Jen-Fu 你好, A new post has been added to the Developer Blog.   Mobile Dev Day by Parse + Facebook Videos & Hackathon Winners 明天,11月22日 7:55 Published by Ashley Smith Thank you to the over 350 attendees to Mobile Developer Day, Presented by Parse + Facebook, for joining us last week at Facebook Headquarters for the event! We wish everyone could have joined us for the educational day, but since that wasn't possible, we're happy to announce that the videos are now available below and at the Facebook Developers YouTube page . The Parse and Facebook teams and speakers loved meeting current – and future – Parse and Facebook developers and we hope that everyone who came walked away with a greater understanding of how to build and grow their apps with the two platforms. After a morning of informative talks from Jocelyn Goldfein, Jason Russell, Christine Abernathy, Bear Douglas, Stephanie Shum, and Eddie O'Neil, attendees participated in a 4 hour hackathon that prod

Developer Blog: Platform Updates: New Design for Follow Button and Like Box, iOS SDK Improvements an...

facebook Jen-Fu 你好, A new post has been added to the Developer Blog.   Platform Updates: New Design for Follow Button and Like Box, iOS SDK Improvements and More. 明天,11月22日 1:00 Published by Ray C. He We recently introduced a new design for the Like and Share buttons . We're seeing positive results from the new design and have started rolling it out to the Follow button and the Like Box plugin. We also are releasing a new iOS SDK with feature improvements and bug fixes, removing a policy change for Requests that was previously communicated and are updating our browser requirements for our JavaScript SDK. In addition, we have a new advertising campaign structure coming to Facebook in 2014. New design for the Follow button and the Like Box plugin Similar to the Like and Share buttons, the Follow button and the Like Box plugin will also be updated with our new design as follows: For more details, visit our documentation for the Follow button and the Like Box plugin . i


一年一度的地方特考又來了,   阿摩特地準備了一整個月的百人大會考給大家來練習測驗,   費用: 免費!!!!而且來參加就送你Y幣,來多少就送多少!!!!   【活動網址】  http://yamol.tw/forum_topic.php?id=11659&mt=90   錯在阿摩,贏在考場!

彭元岐在 Facebook 上的 1 則貼文中標註了你

facebook 彭元岐 表示他曾和你與其他 2 人一起到過 涼井人文講堂 。 元岐寫下了:「三天沒看到貓咪了,望著空蕩蕩的貓食盆,心裡沒落沒著…… 連來做筋絡的寶會、詩婷、人輔都很不習慣,還幫我四處召喚貓咪。 昨天傍晚,從炭窯開始的最後一塊招牌「涼井人文咖啡到了」掉了,好心的路人把它立在路邊。 剛剛正要重新鎖上招牌,就聽到講堂廁所裡傳來貓咪的急切的叫聲,聲音還算有元氣。開得門來,貓咪叫得如怨如訴…… 開了罐頭與飼料,貓咪一邊狼吞虎嚥,一邊深沉的「m-a-u~~ m-a-u~~ m-a-u~~」,似乎是抱怨,似乎是抗議,應該還夾雜著慶幸吧! ──幸好當初招牌沒有釘得很牢,否則等到周六再開門,真不知道貓咪會如何? 臭貓咪!活該啦! 圖一:招牌 圖二:邊吃邊抗議 圖三:累壞了! 」 暸解更多關於 在 Facebook 上加標籤 的功能。 查看貼文 這則訊息送到 zivhsiao.yoursite@blogger.com 。 如果你日後不想收到來自 Facebook 的這些電子郵件,請 取消訂閱 。 Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Developer Blog Weekly Digest for Nov 18, 2013

facebook Jen-Fu 你好, Here are all the posts from the Developer Blog in the last week.   Microsoft Adds Facebook Login Support to Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 11月15日 1:00 Published by Dhiren Patel Facebook Login provides a fast and secure sign up experience across web, iOS, and Android apps. Today, Microsoft is adding official support for Facebook Login in Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 apps in partnership with Facebook. Facebook Login for Windows 8 is ready to use in production apps, while Windows Phone 8 support is being launched in beta. Setting up your Windows and Windows Phone apps To use Facebook Login in your Windows or Windows Phone app, you need to set the appropriate Microsoft IDs in your developer settings: To obtain your Windows Store ID, login to your Windows Store account and follow the rest of the steps. To obtain your Windows Phone ID, find the product ID you entered in your WMAppManifest.xml file without the dashes. We're excited to partner with Mic

Shimmer Tsai 、黃文達和其他 8 人的生日都快到了

facebook 幫 Shimmer Tsai 、黃文達和另外 8 人慶生 11月17日 黃文達 在他的動態時報上留言 11月19日 Shimmer Tsai 在她的動態時報上留言 11月22日 Zeng Tsai-chi 在她的動態時報上留言 11月23日 翁源隆 在他的動態時報上留言 梁博武 在他的動態時報上留言 11月26日 Chan ShukYee 在她的動態時報上留言 徐玉玲 在她的動態時報上留言 紀宏昇 在他的動態時報上留言 11月29日 Yun-Cheng Chou 在他的動態時報上留言 12月1日 Vic Wang 在他的動態時報上留言 前往 Facebook 策劃活動 這則訊息送到 zivhsiao.yoursite@blogger.com 。 如果你日後不想收到來自 Facebook 的這些電子郵件,請 取消訂閱 。 Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303


  102年的地特考試快到了,阿摩特別準備每天一個地特冠軍賽,只要來參加就送你Y幣,幫助大家做最後的衝刺!        【活動辦法】 參加11/20~12/19 每天晚上10:00 的"地特加碼送"冠軍賽,參加多少人數,就送多少枚Y幣! 例: 100人參加,人人都可以獲得100枚Y幣! 快點多邀請人才參加冠軍賽,阿摩就送更多Y幣給大家!        【活動網址】 http://yamol.tw/forum_topic.php?id=11659&mt=90       錯在阿摩,贏在考場!

Developer Blog: Microsoft Adds Facebook Login Support to Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8

facebook Jen-Fu 你好, A new post has been added to the Developer Blog.   Microsoft Adds Facebook Login Support to Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 明天,11月15日 1:00 Published by Dhiren Patel Facebook Login provides a fast and secure sign up experience across web, iOS, and Android apps. Today, Microsoft is adding official support for Facebook Login in Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 apps in partnership with Facebook. Facebook Login for Windows 8 is ready to use in production apps, while Windows Phone 8 support is being launched in beta. Setting up your Windows and Windows Phone apps To use Facebook Login in your Windows or Windows Phone app, you need to set the appropriate Microsoft IDs in your developer settings: To obtain your Windows Store ID, login to your Windows Store account and follow the rest of the steps. To obtain your Windows Phone ID, find the product ID you entered in your WMAppManifest.xml file without the dashes. We're excited to partner with Microsoft to hel