

目前顯示的是 2月, 2018的文章

9 out of 10 learners saw a boost in their career after this course

Hi there, Now that performance review season is coming to a close, many people are asking themselves, "What is a plan of action I can commit to now that will lead to a better year ahead?" If you're looking for a boost in your career, we recommend that you commit to learning new coding skills with Codecademy. But not just any skills. We suggest you learn how to build your first website — a skill set that can take your career to the next level in a wide range of fields, from marketing to design to product management. Our most popular Pro Intensive course, Build Websites from Scratch ,  teaches exactly the skills you need to build websites using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With an emphasis on structured curriculum, extensive practice building 16 different websites, and a community to support you along the way, our learners are graduating with more confidence in their abilities than ever before. Don't take our word for it. When we recently surve

年後轉職靠這波【AI 人工智慧 深度學習 課程】大家都在搶報名啦!

年後沒精神軟趴趴?AI人工智慧 深度學習課程 讓你的電腦變聰明啦~ DNN、CNN、RNN,TensorFlow 難不倒你! 我以後不要再收到此類郵件

You have a website, now find your customers

Prepare for the new visitors heading your way. Polish up your site's copy and branding using these simple tips. View in browser Login Upgrade

AI 助長「換臉色情片」/ 美國情報機構不建議購買中國手機 / Facebook 是所有科技公司中,法律風險最高的一個

  2018.02.25 AI「換臉」成人片網上流竄,那些關於開源軟體的黑暗面 近來利用 AI 改造的「換臉色情片」在網路上流竄,Pornhub、Twitter 等各大平台紛紛出手禁止這類影... Face Off!遊戲角色換上女演員的臉 國外社群最近掀起造假A片的風潮,網友Deepfakes利用程式與AI技術,創造出幾可亂真的造假A片,讓人嘖嘖稱... 美六大情報機構主管:不建議美國民眾買中興、華為的手機 援引國外媒體 CNBC 消息,在一場聽證會中,美國六名情報機構負責人向參議院情報委員會表示,不建議美國民眾購買... 屢遭氣象局潑冷水,熱血工程師不服輸!開發電腦版地震速報獲好評 如何知道最新地震情況,甚至有機會爭取逃生時間?由電信業者轉發訊息的災防告警系統(Public Warning... 當年為了擴展FB版圖祖克柏所用的那些手段,現在可能正形成 FB 惹人厭的大麻煩 Facebook 有麻煩了。麻煩已經大到祖克柏把自己個人的新年任務都變成了要解決 Facebook 的麻煩,而... 【課程】Arduino 四軸飛行器開發實作,無人機硬體、無線遙控器、飛控軟體整合、飛行教學,一天學會