

目前顯示的是 1月, 2018的文章

Seize the New Year: Freshen Up Your Site

Creating a stellar website design is easier than you might think. However, it does take a plan. View in browser Login Upgrade

中國最大叫車平台「滴滴打車」進軍台灣 / 宏碁智慧佛珠把功德數據化 / Google 用 Fuchsia OS 統一 Chrome 與 Android

  2018.01.28 中國「滴滴出行」叫車平台進軍台灣,強調一切合法而且今天已經上路! 在中國厲害到併購掉Uber,上路已久的「滴滴出行」今日正式由樂迪科技代理進入台灣,目前推出滴滴計程車和滴滴順風... 正念上網?宏碁智慧佛珠通過 NCC 審核,可以數據化作功德了 還記得宏碁去年和大甲鎮瀾宮聯手推出有過香火的大甲媽祈福限定筆電嗎?看來宏碁與宗教相關的合作不止於此,近日... Linux 之父 Linus Torvalds 重話狠批 Intel 亂搞: Meltdown、Spectre 修補是垃圾 以直言或說出言不遜聞名的 Linux 作業系統創辦人 Linus Torvalds,這次槓上 Intel,批評... 大家都在專心搞「全螢幕」,中國的中興卻發佈了一台摺疊手機 Axon M 中興天機 Axon M 手機已經於去年發佈,整部手機最大的亮點就是那兩個 5.2 英吋的 LCD 螢幕了,第一... 想進Google上班就看這次了!Google官網釋出73個台灣職缺,要不要來挑戰看看? Google應該是每個人都想進入的夢想企業,但是過去以來,台灣地區的職缺總是相當稀少,多半都只有一、兩個職缺,...

How Spotify, Etsy & thoughtbot write really good code

What is test-driven development, and why are some of the biggest names in tech using it? Newsletter #42 January 25, 2018 Essential news, trends, and stories from Codecademy and the world of code. Why We Love Test-Driven Development Writing code is hard. Sometimes we need to move fast but also scale. Other times, it's wondering where to start when turning an idea into an app. And then there's diving into rabbit holes and squashing bugs. It's at moments like these that we turn to test-driven development. TDD, as it's called, asks you to write tests before writing