

目前顯示的是 10月, 2013的文章

Developer Blog Weekly Digest for Oct 28, 2013

facebook Jen-Fu 你好, Here are all the posts from the Developer Blog in the last week.   Get efficient installs with video creative and CPA buying for mobile app ads 10月22日 1:00 Published by Radu Margarint Today we're offering two new capabilities to mobile app ads that will improve the efficiency of your app installs. Use video creative to engage new customers and get more installs Now you can use video creative in your mobile app ad aimed at driving installs to bring your app to life in Facebook's mobile News Feed. Potential customers will be able to click play to watch a video featuring your mobile app before installing the app. Video creative has proven to be an effective way to drive engagement in News Feed, and we look forward to helping developers use their video creative to find new app installs. DoubleDown Casino was one of our early partners to test video creative in mobile app ads. "In our early tests, we found that using video in our mobile app ads res

Maggie Her 、黃順和其他 7 人的生日都快到了

facebook 幫 Maggie Her 、黃順和另外 7 人慶生 10月28日 WiLson Ng 在他的動態時報上留言 11月2日 黃順 在他的動態時報上留言 11月3日 彭嘉華 在她的動態時報上留言 11月6日 蘇志忠 在他的動態時報上留言 11月7日 陳秀雯 在她的動態時報上留言 歐展嘉 在他的動態時報上留言 11月8日 謝維妮 在她的動態時報上留言 Sharon Lee 在她的動態時報上留言 11月10日 Maggie Her 在她的動態時報上留言 前往 Facebook 策劃活動 這則訊息送到 zivhsiao.yoursite@blogger.com 。 如果你日後不想收到來自 Facebook 的這些電子郵件,請 取消訂閱 。 Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

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Jen-Fu Her重要訊息 壹週刊加入飽讀了!破天荒慶功方案 1099元看12+壹個月

Pubu電子書城  │  下載 App   │   客服中心 親愛的 Jen-Fu Her 會員: 壹週刊與飽讀在一起了!< 全國唯一 > 壹週刊月費吃到飽方案,只有飽讀電子書 破天荒慶功方案《 12+壹個月 》只要 1,099 年,壹週刊 讓你爽看1 3個月 限時優惠只到10月底止喔!. 限時10月底 馬上購買 Pubu 電子書城 版權所有 © All Rights Reserved. 取消訂閱

Developer Blog: Get efficient installs with video creative and CPA buying for mobile app ads

facebook Jen-Fu 你好, A new post has been added to the Developer Blog.   Get efficient installs with video creative and CPA buying for mobile app ads 明天,10月22日 1:00 Published by Radu Margarint Today we're offering two new capabilities to mobile app ads that will improve the efficiency of your app installs. Use video creative to engage new customers and get more installs Now you can use video creative in your mobile app ad aimed at driving installs to bring your app to life in Facebook's mobile News Feed. Potential customers will be able to click play to watch a video featuring your mobile app before installing the app. Video creative has proven to be an effective way to drive engagement in News Feed, and we look forward to helping developers use their video creative to find new app installs. DoubleDown Casino was one of our early partners to test video creative in mobile app ads. "In our early tests, we found that using video in our mobile app ads resulted in incr

黃順、彭嘉華和其他 3 人的生日都快到了

facebook 幫黃順、彭嘉華和另外 3 人慶生 10月25日 張彥鈞 在他的動態時報上留言 10月26日 Max Lu 在他的動態時報上留言 10月28日 WiLson Ng 在他的動態時報上留言 11月2日 黃順 在他的動態時報上留言 11月3日 彭嘉華 在她的動態時報上留言 前往 Facebook 策劃活動 這則訊息送到 zivhsiao.yoursite@blogger.com 。 如果你日後不想收到來自 Facebook 的這些電子郵件,請 取消訂閱 。 Facebook, Inc., Attention: Department 415, PO Box 10005, Palo Alto, CA 94303

Developer Blog: Platform Updates: Monetization Tips & PMD Innovation Competition

facebook Jen-Fu 你好, A new post has been added to the Developer Blog.   Platform Updates: Monetization Tips & PMD Innovation Competition 明天,10月17日 1:00 Published by Yongyan Liú Over the last week, we shared ways to achieve Facebook Login conversion rates over 70% and attended developer events in Berlin, Cannes, Mexico City, Tel Aviv and Kuala Lumpur. Monetization Tips for Canvas Now that all canvas developers are using our new payment system, we wanted to highlight a few important monetization best practices: 1. Encourage first time purchases. The payer promotions API is designed to help you convert people that haven't previously purchased virtual goods on Facebook. Facebook sponsors this feature, which lets you offer these people a discount on your game's virtual currency. 2. Monetize through offers. You can enable users to earn virtual currency by directly integrating with TrialPay for offers. A direct integration with TrialPay will allow for quicke

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Developer Blog Weekly Digest for Oct 14, 2013

facebook Jen-Fu 你好, Here are all the posts from the Developer Blog in the last week.   3 Ways to Boost Your Facebook Login Conversion Rate Above 70% 10月10日 1:00 Published by Sean Leow In August, we introduced a new Login checklist to help developers optimize their app's Facebook Login experience and conversion rate. Since then, we've been working closely with many top mobile developers to implement this checklist and achieve Facebook Login conversion rates above 70% : Here are three of the most common ways to give your users a better Facebook Login experience: 1. Ask only for permissions that you need Ask only for permissions that you need to increase the likelihood that people will log in to your app. In general, we've found that it's best to ask for four or fewer permissions upfront. For example, Lyft only asks people for their public profile, friend list, and e-mail address. According to Lyft Product Manager Frank Yoo, "We ask for a minima